Members’ Code of Conduct and Confidentiality

This Code of Conduct sets out the responsibilities that BSWN members are expected to adhere to in order to promote the process of sharing best practices, encourage trust, and avoid the inappropriate disclosure of confidential information as defined here and that could potentially harm or compromise BSWN arrangements.

Any sensitive or proprietary information exchanged at BSWN venues or activities and explicitly provided as such, shall be treated as confidential information and shall not be communicated with non-BSWN members without the prior consent of the individual(s) who shared the information.

The member providing such information, should indicate the content of the material that needs to be protected, the duration of the period of protection, the conditions for permitting access to the material, and the specific handling requirements that are necessary for that materialInformation shared by members should only be used for the purposes for which it was intended.

Members cannot use the contact information of other members for commercial or marketing purposes.

Members cannot make improper use of the information they have obtained.

Comments and views expressed by members at BSWN events do not necessarily reflect BSWN’s opinions or positions and should not be represented as such by members.

Members should act honestly and with integrity in matters pertaining to BSWN.

Members should respect BSWN’s copyrights and intellectual property rights.